yang terindah :)

Tuesday 17 April 2012

hari ini punye

hri nie ak rase sonok sgt,,bgun pg gosok gigi gune ubt gigi safi,,huhuriang kn pg2,,then cm bese la,,have a chat with her,,nk call mlm2 ngntk,,call pg2 huhu,,then akq ak kco la,,pam tyr pown xtw,,aduyai,,dgn muke x mandi ag trus grk pge petronas,,gle btul,,then da hbs wt smue ue,,smbung blik call,,rindu la gile kt dy,,x jump call pown jd la kn,,btul x??then tgah call ter ilham 1 idea nk wt suprise kt dy,,so xnk la bg tw my syg dlu,,suprise lau bg tw bkn suprise kn,,so nk di pendekn post ni,,kemalangn berlaku,,ak tlh mengunkit kembali kish lalu yg x ptot aq ugkit kn,,since i end my call,,she doesnt txt me,,answer my called,,im so so so worry nd im sorry for all the nonsense talking,,sy tw sy jht kt awk,,x gune kn sy,,tp tah la,,bnyk sgt rahsia awk yg sy xtw,,nd myb awk x share ngn sy,it okay la,,sy xnk pkse,,da bnyk pksaan yg awk kne hadapi,,sy xnk tambah lg,,im so so damn sorry for my stupidest,,


Wednesday 11 April 2012

look new :)

salam. yeah! ni bukan aku but this is me :) pkod her sygg. rasanya lahh. excited bila dd dah ada blog . but take a look on a new blog .

Monday 9 April 2012

Never ever HERE

first time im here,,,for sure im a little bit slower than you guys,,perhaps by doing this blog i could share some of my story with you guys,,anyway it would be nice if you guys can teach me some lesson,,quite hard to post some story here,,no wonder she doesn"t post a lot of story,,,